In September 2018 the City of Whittlesea employed David Moloney, an eminent historian and dry stone wall expert, to work with Council officers on a project to identify and provide high-level strategic heritage assessments of dry stone walls found across our municipality. A large number of early walls remain, with a concentration in the northern areas of the City.
The walls have cultural heritage and aesthetic values and they contribute to the landscape and overall character and identity of our city and communities. They reflect one of the earliest forms of infrastructure linked to historic period land use practices, as well as the industry and skills of settlers and landowners. In the City of Whittlesea, we also have some specific styles/types of walls built in unique ways as well as dry stone enclosures made for special purposes – the latter may be unique in Victoria.
D Moloney 2020 City of Whittlesea Stage Two Dry Zone Wall Study: Thematic History and Precincts. City of Whittlesea, Victoria
Download the report below.