Heritage Matters Pty Ltd
Timothy Hubbard is a heritage architect and planner and a longstanding member of the DSWAA.
Timothy Hubbard can be contacted at timothyh@oldstandrews.com.au
PO Box 261
Old St Andrews
Port Fairy, Vic 3284
Timothy on a recent visit to Derbyshire
I have completed four municipal heritage studies about the Western District in which dry stone walls featured. My 2006 ISSI Leslie M. Perrott Travelling Fellowship included a section on the dry stone walls of Lancashire. More recently I wrote a report on the so-called ‘Chinese Wall’ in Victoria’s Grampians/Gariwerd. My most intriguing research is into the standing stones of Tarrone, north of Port Fairy.
As the new Vice-president, Timothy Hubbard is looking forward to strengthening links between the continuing craft of walling and the recognition, celebration and conservation of fabric surviving from its past.